Welcoming Congregation
In Unitarian Universalist churches and fellowships, we affirm the worth and dignity of every person. This is the first of our seven principles and purposes. That means we welcome all persons to join us in worship and fellowship.
At Evergreen UU Fellowship we actively welcome LBGTQ persons. In 1994, we went on record in our formal documents to welcome and support LBGTQ persons as members or friends of our congregation, concluding a process of the Unitarian Universalist Association called “Welcoming Congregations.” In 2008 the congregation passed a renewed and revised resolution affirming once again its commitment to being a Welcoming Congregation.
In 2018, the UUA determined a "wish to become bolder with our Welcome." They created 5 Practices for Renewal in order to call "us into a deeper commitment to insure that our Unitarian Universalist congregations are living into the Welcome that we boldly proclaim." While we are an open, welcoming and affirming congregation, we have not completed the 5 Practices for renewal - if you are interested in being a part of this process, please contact us at administrator@evergreenuu.org.